Talk Particulars:
Date: Tuesday, May 6th at 4:30 pm
                              Reception to follow,
                              Dinner for invited guests.
Subject: "The Science before Science: escaping from subjectivism."

Subjectivism has been on the rise outside of science for some time with the
idea that truth is whatever one feels it is. Science has recently been
assailed by subjectivism under the form of deconstructionism, the idea that
science is merely the opinion of scientists, not giving us any knowledge of
the real world. In some ways, science itself joined the other side in the
early 20th century when important modern physicists allied themselves with
statements like "quantum mechanics leaves behind causality and makes us say
the world is not there until you look at it."  No cultural renewal can be
successful without science and scientists. What then is the path back to
solid ground?"